My goal is to provide families and business owners with assistance in building their financial freedom. I have the skills, knowledge and experience required to help meet my client's established goals
We partner with Brokers/Agents & Businesses to bring part-time employees the essential benefits that they and their families need, including unlimited $0 doctors visits, dental, vision and much more.
Platinum Insurance Agency is an independent insurance agency providing personal, commercial and specialty insurance option for our clients. We provide the best insurance solutions for our customers.
We help people simplify their Medicare options so they can retire with complete peace of mind.
Aflac is a Fortune 500 company, providing financial protection to more than 50 million people worldwide. When a policyholder gets sick or hurt, Aflac pays cash benefits promptly, for eligible claims.
CCT Insurance offers the convenience of a local solution for all of your home, auto and small business needs.
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265 Winn Street, Burlington, MA 01803 – 781-273-2523 –