With a diverse mix of industry, office, retail, restaurant, medical, and open space, Burlington is truly the best of all worlds—a great
place to live, work and play!
Massachusetts State Senator for 4th Middlesex District, consisting of the city of Woburn and the towns of Arlington, Billerica, Burlington and Lexington, precincts 1 and 2 and 4 to 7, inclusive.
The Council on Aging is a place where anyone over 60 can go to engage with others and for resources to help navigate their next chapter. Social services and daily activities are available.
Providing educational, cultural and recreational opportunities to the residents of Burlington and its surrounding communities.
Unites States Senator for Massachusetts.
The Parks and Recreation Department's mission is to enhance the quality of life for Burlington citizens by providing high quality recreation facilities, programs and services.
Massachusetts State Representative for 21st Middlesex District, consisting of Bedford, Burlington and Precinct 3 of Wilmington.
United States Senator for Massachusetts.
The mission of the Burlington Police Department is to work with all citizens of the community to create a safe and secure environment with emphasis on equality, fairness, integrity and professionalism
Unites States Congressman representing Massachusetts' 6th Congressional District.
Printed courtesy of www.burlingtonchamberofcommerce.org – Contact the Burlington Area Chamber of Commerce for more information.
265 Winn Street, Burlington, MA 01803 – 781-273-2523 – office@baccma.org