Networking AM Host Request

Submit this form if you'd like to host a Networking AM event at your location. Hosting Networking AM events is subject to availability and restricted to BACC members. Host agrees to provide complimentary coffee and breakfast snacks..
Member Representative
Potential Months You Could Host a Networking AM Event *
Specify any month where you could possibly host the event. Only ONE event/per member/per year will be scheduled. Networking AM is held on the first Tuesday of each month from 8:30-10:00 AM. Check the website events listing for potential openings.
Format: MM/dd/yyyy
Specify the date you'd like to reserve if available.
Enter the maximum number of guests to be allowed at the event and we will limit registrations accordingly (typically 25-50 depending on room space).
Feel free to add any comments or questions. Thank you!
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