Many of our members maintain a single link to their career pages here. The total number of open positions far exceeds the number listed below. Use a keyword search or select a category or employer to explore all open positions.
Volunteers are the foundation of Mission of Deeds. The heart and soul of our organization. We started as a volunteer charity and remain true to that vision. Because we have only a small paid staff, the work our volunteers perform is essential to our mission.Help Us Drive Change, Make a Difference and Inspire Others Our mission is to provide beds, furniture, and other household items to those most in need. Our clients are struggling individuals or families with children including those who were recently
Mission of DeedsVolunteer With UsVolunteers are at the heart of everything we do! We need your help to ensure that everyone in Greater Lowell has a decent place to live. No experience needed!Sign up to volunteer now! For group volunteer opportunities, or more information, please email Volunteer OpportunitiesBuild on site with us (must be 18+). Help us build a home in Greater Lowell, or help our Critical Home Repair team complete work for a local veteran or elderly neighbor. No experience
Habitat for Humanity of Greater LowellMake a Difference in the Lives of Older Adults!Minuteman Senior Services has a wide variety of volunteer opportunities. Click here to see our current listings!
Minuteman Senior ServicesVolunteering at the Club Volunteers are truly the lifeblood of the James L. McKeown Boys & Girls Club of Woburn. There are a number of ways you can help further the Club’s mission of inspiring youth to find their greatness. Please note that our membership is youth & teens 18 years and younger and all volunteers must be individuals that are over the age of 18.Current Individual Opportunities Enrichment Volunteers: Do you have a passion or skill you want to share with youth & teens at the Club? Work
James L. McKeown Boys & Girls Club of WoburnKind Hearts and Helping Hands Volunteering is at the very core of being human. No one has made it through life without someone else’s help.” –Heather French Henry Thank you for your interest in the Volunteer Program at Lahey Hospital & Medical Center. We are fortunate to have so many dedicated volunteers who make a positive difference in the overall well-being of our community. We sincerely value and appreciate the compassion, caring and commitment each volunteer team member provides our patients and
Beth Israel Lahey HospitalThe Burlington Food Pantry is always looking for volunteers! You are welcome to sign up for a single shift, but we encourage a regular commitment. You can see a full list of opportunities here. For more information or to sign up, please contact Pantry Coordinators: Julie Lewis and Jim Sheridan at 781-270-6625, or by email
People Helping People
Printed courtesy of – Contact the Burlington Area Chamber of Commerce for more information.
265 Winn Street, Burlington, MA 01803 – 781-273-2523 –