Body Mind Systems

Body Mind Systems

Martial Arts

About Us

Traditional Martial Arts Training - When you invest in improving your mind and body, you are strengthening the two greatest assets you were given in this life. The quality of your mind and body determines the quality of your life. The journey of self discovery is a tremendous opportunity to master your life, not only for your own personal betterment but also for the betterment of everyone in your life. You have an opportunity to be part of a Bagua Zhang martial arts lineage. The martial (Dae Han) knowledge is 1,700 years old. The medicinal (Dong Han) knowledge is 5,000 years old. When the warriors came back injured from battle, the older warriors or medicine men used their knowledge and experience to heal them.

Traditional martial arts training (“Mu Do” or the “martial path” in the Korean language) not only teaches physical self defense but also uses form and movement for healing based on Eastern medicine principles.

Traditional martial arts differs from the sporting side of martial arts. Sport involves winners and losers and victory comes from defeating others. Traditional martial arts teaches one to overcome their weaknesses. The greatest enemy is one’s self. Success comes from overcoming yourself.

Who Trains at Body Mind Systems? - Body Mind Systems students are leaders. They are often doctors, nurses, attorneys, engineers, entrepreneurs, scientists, investors, managers, business owners and parents. They understand that to better lead others, they have to lead themselves first.

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Rep/Contact Info

Peter Casey
David DeGuzman
Head Instructor
Maggie Gabriello
Sal Gabriello
Rich Halloran
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Igor Kaplansky
Assistant Regional Instructor, Owner
Parshant Kumar
Parshant Kumar
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Bob Lee
Assistant National Instructor
Kevin O'Malley
Joanne Sankus
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