MassHire Metro North Workforce Board
The MassHire Metro North Workforce Board, incorporated in 1995 as the Metro North Regional Employment Board, is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that serves as the Workforce Development Board for the Metro North region of Massachusetts. As one of sixteen local Workforce Development Boards established in Massachusetts by the Workforce Investment Act of 1998 and the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act of 2014, MNWB was formed to set local workforce policy, determine how state and federal funds are best used for workforce development, align the needs of employers to the needs of area residents, leverage partnerships to meet the region’s workforce needs, and oversee the MassHire Metro North Career Centers where both job search employee and employer services are provided. We are the local Workforce Development Board, designated by the City of Cambridge and the MassHire Department of Career Services.
MassHire Metro North Workforce Board Website